The purpose of the DBQ (Document Based Question) is not to test your knowledge of the subject, but rather to evaluate your ability to practice the historian's craft. You will be required to work with the documents and use them to answer a question.
DBQ - Document Based Questions:
Breaking Down DBQ's -
These are some tasks that students could be asked to do in a DBQ:
Analyze: Break a topic down into separate parts and discuss each one.
Criticize: Make judgments. Evaluate comparative worth.
Define: Explain the exact meaning, specific to the course or subject.
Describe: Give a detailed account, listing characteristics, qualities and parts.
Discuss: Argue the pros and cons of an issue.
Evaluate: Give an opinion or cite the opinion of an expert.
Illustrate: Give concrete examples.
Summarize: Give a brief, condensed account, including conclusions.
Click on one of the following DBQ's:
DBQ Organizer
Geography's Effect on History
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